SOUTH AFRICA +++ Following the releases of the first two singles from their upcoming second studio album, Identity, Future Radio released today their newest record Didn’t Want To Fall In Love With You.
Whilst staying within the rock Genre, Future Radio is evolving and showing diversity with this pop-punk inspired sounds.The newest record shows here an catchy
guitar vibe, bridge breakdown and the value of storytelling. The track brings´s up the situation of friends who falling in love, even though you know you’re heading for heartbreak.
“I am sure everyone will, in some way or form, relate to this topic”: joked songwriter and vocalist, Johnny Future.
Drikus Roets, the visual creator behind the animations, gave us an exciting peek into what will happen in the next video. “In this episode, our protagonist is faced with various challenges, hardships and setbacks. Will he be able to overcome them and ultimately shape his identity?”

Future Radio´s songs were played in the last months by an amount ofnumerous radio stations as well as being
playlisted on official playlists. The band gave word that this will be the last release for 2021, but they look forward for their upcoming album in 2022.

© Future Radio