It's almost done, our second year in the current situation. Each of us had ups and downs, maybe also the darkest hours during this time. We learned how to communicate in unusual ways once again. Which situation gave you the most energy and the lowest time - that's what reflects us these days when it comes to turning the year. It was also for this Homepage and my personal steps, a year of new views. More bands around the world joined the network, while old ones stayed. I remember in August 2019, when the first band posts were released, and it was already that international :)
This year was filled by much "new blood" of different scenes and Genres. Also, by became a guest at the online radio station 674.FM in April 2021, I never thought of starting an own radio show here in cologne! It was an awesome and new experience to share knowledge as an interview and playlist feature. This opened a complete new world of supporting your bands and also made it able to reach a complete new target, also by re-uploading the Audio as kind of Podcast at Mixcloud.

By looking back to the past and now of Discomfort Wings Blog, I want to say thank you to all support of your bands and artists, photographer, music related companies, music blogs, local event locations who shared my concert photos in cologne and Oberhausen, readers and fans of these bands :) For the radio - Thank you to 674.FM to let Discomfort Wings join! :) It also opened a complete new view of music to me, and I'm looking forward to what comes next in 2022!
Stay healthy & ROCK ON,
💮 Janine