AUSTRALIA +++ G'day - from the West side of Australia! Let's heading to Perth and discover Tamala Park Book Club - an Australian Visual Rock band! TPBC's name stands for Tamala Park - an rubbish dump near the hometown place and a book club, because they liked how the words are flowing.
With the common interest of Japanese Rock and Visual Kei, bassist Craig and vocalist/ guitarist Patrick based the group in the beginning of
2018. When Marcel (Drums) and Daniel (Guitar) joined, TPBC started playing the first rehearsals.
Cut My Teeth
Wow! That song comes with a pretty cool
Punkpop/ Rock vibe here! Really also like the kind of Rock n Roll tunes. Vocals/ beat and the uptempo parts made the song going with the flow. Some kind of rebellious break parts, underlined by
drums and guitar on point.
Q: What was the concept of the song and the expression behind it?

Back story - connection
Tamala Park Book Club are not complete new to this site! Actually, the band was the 2nd feature ever I released here! During the time of the old J-Rock days, we stay connected in the old network of the past. :)